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WE ARE NESEHNUTÍ Independent Social Ecological Movement

We face many challenges. The causes and solutions of social and environmental problems are intertwined. Fair society, prospering nature, sustainable urban development, proper treatment of animals – this is our future, and we are actively creating it.

We support communities, groups and individuals in creating a fair world. We lead civic campaigns, raise public awareness and educate. Even one person or a small group of people can set a new direction, reach out to others and achieve positive change.

Our initiatives to create a world more fair

The Initiative Way

We help active people abroad to change their countries for the better. We focus on Eastern Europe, mostly South Caucasus and Ukraine. We emphasize the promotion of the following values: human rights, environmental protection and animal rights. We support local initiatives through consultations and funding.

Together Towards Diversity

Through community events and the Buddies system we enable newcomers and locals to meet, share their interests and hobbies and overcome not only language barriers. And most of all we strive to learn from each other.


We focus mostly on education without prejudice and gender sensitive approach in education. We also work on the issue of sexism in advertisement and gender pay gap.

Citizen Eye

We support public participation in the issues connected to the protection of the environment and we strive for cities taking part in solving climate emergency. We provide support and advisory to local civic initiatives and their environmental campaigns.

For Animal Rights

Current industrialized agriculture is not only harming the animals, but also contributes significantly to climate emergency and destruction of the environment. This needs to change. We point out factory farming practices and their influence on the animals, the environment and our health.




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Stáhněte si náš e-booklet: „Inclusive Handbook: Tools and Techniques for Community Engagement“

English version bellow. Stáhnout e-booklet (.pdf, 1,98MB)   Vstup do nového prostředí může být pro…

Jak budovat komunity příchozích? Postřehy z mezinárodního školení v Berlíně + Galerie + english version

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Členky*ové NESEHNUTÍ na trénincích Ulex ve Španělsku + english version

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We create a fair and just society together every day. It’s a responsibility of all of us.

We’re sometimes asked: “who is the boss around here?”. A fair and just society doesn’t need bosses. We can all decide together and that’s the kind of society we want. That’s why in NESEHNUTÍ the responsibility doesn’t lie on one or a few people, but evenly on every member of our team. Find out more about how to run your organisation democratically.

We’re all part of the decision-making process, everyone’s voice is heard. The absence of orders from above helps us to come up with better solutions and to be more creative. Our collective decision-making helps us to set reasonable rules, create strategies and fulfil our goals.

NESEHNUTÍ is formed by a diverse team of experts

Our team


NESEHNUTÍ (both abbreviation of “Independent Social Ecological Movement” and the word meaning “those who won’t bend”) was founded in 1997. We proved that we won’t bend to sexism, discrimination, the arms industry or interests of developers.

Over the years, we successfully initiated discussions about significant topics and pushed the public debate further on many subjects.
For ten years, we were working on the issue of sexist advertisement – announcing annual “anti-prize” Sexist Piglet and publishing expert reports. We also organized annual events on equal pay day and conference Active Parenthood.

We contrived to implement fair rules in the construction act amendment, which make sure that authorized inspectors cannot circumvent the law while approving construction anymore.

We also successfully sued the controversial Brno city zoning plan update, which would have disrupted green areas in the city and give the developers an advantage.

We lead a campaign for health insurance for immigrants to change the law and enable migrants with long-term residence in the Czech Republic to have access to public healthcare system.

In a campaign “Brnotoč” we mobilized the citizens to contact the municipal government candidates and demand an eco-friendly transportation in the Brno city.

We organized the first critical mass in Brno and founded local group of Food not Bombs. And many more.

Only with your help we do have a chance to create a fair world.